The Big Three

Unleash Nuclear Energy

Unleash clean and reliable nuclear energy


Our largest source of clean energy is nuclear power. To achieve energy security and reduce climate pollution, we need to dramatically scale the amount of nuclear power produced in America. Clean, reliable, and safe, nuclear energy is the only baseload source that can provide pollution-free, affordable power to Americans 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Policy Pathways

  • Preserve the existing American nuclear fleet through speedy license extensions
  • Promote research, development, and deployment of next-generation nuclear technologies, such as small modular reactors and fusion
  • Streamline regulations that hold back the construction of new nuclear plants
  • Secure domestic nuclear energy supply chains for nuclear fuel, construction materials, and workforce talent

Let America Build

Cut government red tape that holds back energy innovation


The largest obstacle to clean energy build-out in this country is none other than the federal government. The onerous approval process for new energy projects results in years of delays and millions of dollars in wasted money.  To build a reliable, affordable, and increasingly clean energy future, we must slash the red tape holding us back.

Policy Pathways

  • Streamline permitting processes for all energy sources while maintaining strong environmental standards
  • Prioritize updating and building out transmission and pipelines to strengthen and secure the energy grid
  • Establish limits on judicial review to reduce uncertainty and prevent the litigation doom loop from stopping energy projects
  • Authorize state primacy for Class VI carbon storage wells to decarbonize heavy industry and energy production

American Energy Dominance

Beat China by leading the world in all-of-the-above energy production


The United States has always led the world in innovation and energy production. American energy is clean energy, yet China is beating us by a mile in building clean energy technologies. It doesn’t have to be this way. We must ensure that the U.S. is not only energy secure but energy dominant on the world stage.

Policy Pathways

  • Promote American energy dominance by unleashing all sources of energy here in the United States
  • Fast-track domestic mining projects and work with allies to reduce reliance on China for critical minerals needed for a clean energy future
  • Cease purchasing of enriched Russian uranium by bolstering supply chains in the U.S. and among allies
  • Prioritize strong domestic industrial policy to onshore manufacturing, supply chains, and innovation
  • Export American LNG to our allies across the world

Conservative Approach to Climate in 2024


Unleash American innovation to create clean and affordable technologies for all


Innovation is in America’s DNA. From Thomas Edison to Steve Jobs, American entrepreneurs have always been world leaders in creating technologies that make our lives better. No problem is too large for us to solve, including climate change.

We need America’s brightest minds building the cutting-edge technologies of tomorrow so we can beat climate change. By accelerating innovation, we will create clean sources of energy, strengthen America’s economy, and make sure the cost of living is affordable for all families. Innovation and technology are our most powerful weapons in the fight against climate change at home and abroad.

Policy Pathways

  • Boost Research and Development (R&D): Invest heavily in innovation for cutting-edge new technologies, such as next-generation nuclear, hydrogen energy, battery storage, carbon capture technology, and others. Public-private partnerships between national laboratories and the private sector can help early-stage innovation reach the market quickly.
  • Establish a Pro-Innovation Clean Energy Tax Credit: Our tax system unfairly picks winners and losers in the energy market. Instead, we should establish a technology-neutral tax credit that supports new clean technologies and phases out as they become more competitive in the market.
  • Promote Energy Choice & Competition: When consumers can choose their preferred sources of energy, household costs and emissions decrease. Expanding consumer choice and competition in energy markets serves both the consumer and the planet.
  • Strengthen the American Nuclear Energy Industry: By investing in cutting-edge technologies, like small modular reactors, the U.S. can continue to lead the world in zero-emission nuclear energy innovation.
  • Expand Electric Vehicle Infrastructure: American auto-makers are investing billions of dollars in electric vehicles (EVs). By expanding electric vehicle charging stations around the country, including in rural areas, we can help make EVs more accessible for Americans.
  • Support Agricultural Communities: We can increase the efficiency and productivity of America’s farms by expanding precision agriculture, investing in clean energy technology R&D, and implementing regenerative practices.
  • Reduce Methane Emissions: Deploy monitoring and other technologies to help track and reduce methane emissions from oil and natural gas production.

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Cut red tape to build our clean energy future


America’s clean energy industry is ready to build, but outdated government regulations often add years of delays and millions of dollars in extra costs to climate projects. ​Take Vineyard Wind, the largest offshore wind energy project in the U.S. Originally proposed in 2009, it has been delayed by a decade due to red tape.

We can only tackle climate change as quickly as we can build modern, clean energy infrastructure. A state-of-the-art regulatory process will ensure that. By getting unnecessary government regulations out of the way, we will allow America’s entrepreneurs to build cleaner and faster. We can do this while maintaining high environmental standards and protecting our beautiful landscapes.

Policy Pathways

  • Update the Environmental Permitting Process: We must reform environmental regulations that are slowing down the construction of clean energy and infrastructure projects. We can do this by placing sensible time limits on the review process to ensure that clean energy projects are approved without unnecessary delays while still maintaining high environmental standards.
  • Streamline Approval for Nuclear Energy Projects: The U.S. has one of the most expensive and time-consuming processes to approve new nuclear projects. It’s crucial that we simplify and expedite this process.
  • Modernize the Permitting Process for Critical Minerals: The U.S. makes it hard for new mining projects, which are needed for electric vehicle batteries, solar panels, and more. Simplifying the patchwork of local, state, and federal regulations for critical mineral mining can ensure we secure our manufacturing future with better environmental safeguards than mining overseas.
  • Expand Clean Energy Choices for Consumers: We must expand consumer choice by reforming regulations that unfairly prevent consumers from powering their homes with clean energy.

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Free American resources to protect energy independence and build our clean energy future


Our energy should be made in America. From oil and gas to clean energy, we have the resources at home to ensure that our energy supply is secure, affordable, and increasingly clean. Clean technologies, like batteries and solar panels, are built with a variety of mineral resources that must be extracted.

Today, the world relies on China for 90% of these critical minerals. Russia and its allies supply 46% of our nuclear energy fuel. Rather than relying on competitors for the building blocks of the clean energy economy, we should sustainably develop American natural resources while maintaining the highest environmental standards in the world. By unlocking our natural resources, American workers will lead the world’s transition to cleaner energy.

Policy Pathways

  • Develop American Critical Minerals: Expand environmentally-friendly, domestic mining to supply our economy’s needs. We must also work with allies to reduce reliance on China and Russia.
  • Build Solar Panels in America: Reduce our reliance on China for solar panel manufacturing and support domestic industry through investment, clear regulations, and public-private partnerships.
  • Produce Oil & Gas Responsibly: Support America’s domestic oil and gas industry as a key player in producing cheap, abundant energy for all Americans. This can be done by providing regulatory certainty, maintaining fair leasing auctions on federal lands, and encouraging private sector investment.
  • Develop American Natural Gas: Increase extraction of cleaner American natural gas to power our economy and ensure energy security at home and abroad.
  • Secure Nuclear Fuel Supply Chains: Reduce our reliance on Russia and other countries for our uranium supplies. We must mine more uranium domestically and work with our allies to strengthen supply chains.
  • Expand Hydropower & Geothermal Energy: Hydropower and geothermal energy are abundant sources of American clean energy, but we have failed to fully tap into their potential. We can further unlock these alternative sources of clean energy through greater investment and clearer regulations.

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Empower American workers to build and export the cleanest products in the world


American industry has some of the highest environmental standards and most efficient manufacturing practices in the world. While the U.S. contributes only 11% of global greenhouse gas emissions, we have a responsibility to lead the fight against climate change. The United States cannot afford to rely on China and Russia, which are both actively committing human rights abuses and destroying their environments.

By bringing industry home to America, we will build cleaner products and create jobs at the same time. Building electric vehicles and other clean technologies here in the United States will make America the powerhouse of the 21st century economy.

Policy Pathways

  • Export Natural Gas: American natural gas is much cleaner than natural gas from Venezuela or Russia and produces far fewer emissions than coal, which is still used by many developing and developed nations. By selling our natural gas to the world, we will lower global emissions and support jobs at home.
  • Support Allies on Nuclear Energy: China and Russia are already working to build dozens of nuclear reactors around the world. We must work with our allies to invest in nuclear energy innovation, share R&D, and safely export technology.
  • Collaborate on Climate Resilience Research: We must partner with our allies to produce scientific climate resilience research and invest in projects that make global ecosystems and communities more resilient against the impacts of climate change.
  • Lower Barriers to Clean Trade: By working with our allies to reduce barriers to trade, we can ensure that clean, American-made technologies are sold around the world.

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Take good care of America’s natural heritage


We have inherited the most beautiful country on Earth. From the Grand Canyon to the Everglades, our natural landscapes and wildlife define our shared sense of home.

Hunters, farmers, and Indigenous peoples have always served as stewards of the land. Now, they have a vital role to play in fighting climate change. Conserving and restoring natural ecosystems can get us one-third of the way to our climate goals.

Policy Pathways

  • Protect Our National Parks: Continue to invest in our public lands and national parks, which sustain wildlife and local economies, in order to preserve our natural heritage for generations to come.
  • Plant More Trees: Support public and private initiatives to plant millions of trees in America, which will sequester emissions and provide timber for sustainable building materials.
  • Support Our Farmers: Empower local farmers and ranchers to adopt practices that make their production more efficient, our communities more resilient, and reduce emissions. Invest in technologies that enable our farmers to continue feeding America, while protecting the environment.
  • Manage Our Forests: Implement responsible forest management practices, including prescribed burns and forest thinning, to reduce the risk of extreme wildfires.
  • Support Voluntary Carbon Markets: Make it easier for farmers, ranchers, and other landowners to get paid for adopting conservation and restoration practices which sequester emissions.
  • Unleash Blue Carbon: Invest in the conservation and restoration of coastal and marine ecosystems that can sequester emissions and enhance climate resilience. Increase investment in scientific research to support these efforts.

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Ensure clean air, clean water, and resilient infrastructure for all Americans


All Americans deserve clean air, clean water, and a safe environment. When we protect our environment today, our communities will thrive in the future.

Dangerous air pollution in the United States has decreased by 73% since the 1970s. We have made significant progress, but our work is not done. Now is the time to invest in modern infrastructure, clean technologies, and local resilience to reduce the impacts of climate change. Together, we can build the cleanest and safest country in the world for future generations.

Policy Pathways

  • Modernize American Infrastructure: Invest in 21st-century infrastructure that ensures clean water and clean air for all Americans.
  • Invest in Nature: Protect and restore ecosystems, which help reduce emissions as well as flooding and other climate impacts on local communities.
  • Deploy Adaptation Technologies: Fund research and development of technologies that will help communities identify potential threats to their wellbeing and prepare for extreme weather events.
  • Fight Invasive Species: Implement measures to eradicate invasive species, which threaten our native wildlife as well as our food and water supplies.
  • Improve Water Resilience: Build modern water storage infrastructure to capture and store more clean water, support urban & rural development, and make American communities less vulnerable to drought.

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