Clean Up America

About the Challenge: On the first day of Earth Week (April 21st), join us for a three-hour action blitz as ACC Branches and individuals across the nation rally together to make a tangible impact in their communities. Participants will engage in clean-up activities to remove litter and waste from parks, streets, waterways, and anywhere our communities have been polluted!

Competition Details: Clean Up America is not just about participation—it’s about making a difference for our homes. Teams or individuals will track their progress by dividing the number of attendees by the number of full 13-gallon trash bags collected during the event. At the end of the competition, we will have a winning team and a winning individual! The winning team and individual will be determined based on this ratio and announced at the completion of the challenge (after April 21st).

How to Get Involved: Ready to join the Branch Showdown? Gather your friends, family, and fellow conservationists to register to Clean Up America today! Let’s show the power of our united movement.

Register below to get in touch with a member of ACC’s field team!

Clean Up America Registration

I'm registering as a/an…(Required)
If applicable, please let us know the name of your ACC Branch!

Meet The Organizers

About Us: The Indiana University Branch of ACC, ACC Hoosiers, is a relatively new addition to the American Conservation Coalition. After meeting the former Midwest Director, Brian Martinez, at the Midwestern Climate Conference last year, a friend and I reached out to inquire about starting a branch at IU, and the rest is history. Our branch has grown significantly in the past year, reaching hundreds of students and connecting them through events such as hikes, farmer’s market trips, and tabling.

We also have a team of five executive members who work diligently to run the branch. Overall, we are excited to continue to grow and extend the reach of IU student’s environmental interests and initiatives!

Follow us on Instagram: @acchoosiers

Current Membership: ~1300

About Us: Our branch strives to make Climate Change a topic that all feel welcome to converse upon by broadening the scope of who is generally involved in those conversations. Particularly we do this by changing the narrative on climate change through our large community events and our extensive community collaborations. This allows us to garner the attention needed as well as the means necessary to change the narrative around climate change in the Columbus community.

Branch Beginnings: Our branch began in meeting our previous Midwest Director, Brian Martinez. We met at the school sustainability fair, and from that point on, our current branch leaders attended the first annual summit. We then came back in the fall semester inspired to create and start the OSU branch of ACC, kicking off with a Green Tailgate. We now sit at 14 executive members and have several large events under our belts.

Follow us on Instagram: @acc.tosu