For a cleaner, more prosperous world, ACC mobilizes conservatives around environmental issues, fostering collaboration in the pursuit of environmental conservation.

Who We Are

One of Washington’s greatest assets is its natural heritage. Conserving our environment will allow it to flourish and lead to increased forest resiliency and reduced carbon dioxide emissions through the forest’s natural carbon sequestration abilities. We’re working toward a future where Washington leadership ties environmental and economic success in its policy decisions. Will you join us?

As the environmental conversation grows more and more contentious under the Biden Administration, we’re focused on building a pro-limited-government, pro-market-based action environmental movement in Washington. We’re creating awareness through targeted events, national activist trainings, and direct calls-to-action. Sign up below to get started!

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Meet Your State Director

Western Regional Director

Hattie Hobart

Favorite place in nature: String Lake in Grand Teton