For a cleaner, more prosperous world, ACC mobilizes conservatives around environmental issues, fostering collaboration in the pursuit of environmental conservation.

Who We Are

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes


Welcome to this month’s glimpse into our work, as we journey through the events of this month together, every victory – from Plant Vogtle’s fourth nuclear reactor coming online to the launch of a paradigm-shifting book – underscores our unwavering commitment to conserving our planet for future generations. But our narrative goes beyond mere policy ideas; it’s about the individuals who safeguard nature and support one another along the way. This month alone, we’ve documented thousands of hours dedicated to community service and ignited countless new members across the country. Whether it’s making headlines or making a difference in communities, ACC’s movement is steadily gaining momentum. Here’s to the people, the cause, and to an even more fruitful May ahead!

Plant Vogtle Powers Up: Ushering in the American Nuclear Renaissance

All four nuclear reactors are officially online at Plant Vogtle in Georgia, making it the largest clean energy generator in the country and signaling the start of the American nuclear renaissance. This renewed interest in one of the safest, cleanest, and most reliable energy sources available today can be found nationwide. In fact, 200 nuclear-friendly energy bills were considered in state legislatures last year, and 130 have already been considered this year. Nuclear energy is clean energy! 

Emissions Drop as Energy Evolves with Natural Gas and Renewables Leading the Way

The Energy Information Administration found that emissions from the energy sector dropped by 3% in 2023, largely due to the ongoing transition away from coal toward natural gas and renewables. Natural gas will continue to play a role in our energy portfolio, and a report from the National Petroleum Council this month outlines a path to reducing associated methane and carbon dioxide emissions by 70% and 33%, respectively, through 2050. 

Nuclear Energy Shines Bright: Breakthrough Report Reveals Minimal Mining Impact

The Breakthrough Institute released a report this month analyzing the mining footprint and material needs of different clean energy technologies. The report found that nuclear energy has the lowest mining intensity of any clean energy source and that coal has an extractive footprint of more than 20 times that of low-carbon energy sources such as wind, solar, and nuclear. 


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On the Ground
  • Our grassroots efforts continue to thrive, with an influx of young conservationists joining our movement and exciting Earth Day initiatives taking shape.
  • The Clean Up America event saw tremendous success, with hundreds of bags of garbage collected and over 1,000 volunteer hours logged. Special recognition goes to Justin Hoang and ACC Miami University for winning the clean-up competition.
  • New staff alert! ACC welcomed Office Administrator & Assistant to the President Stephen Power, South Carolina State Director Brody Palmer, and Executive Assistant to the CEO & COO Kiley Crawford to the team.
  • On the Ground Highlights:
    • Congratulations to the ACC Branch at the Ohio State University for attracting over 2,000 community members to their Earth Day festival this year!
    • ACC Florida expanded their horizons by joining the Hubbs/Seaworld Lab in Melbourne for an enlightening tour.
    • Ain’t no party like a succulent party! the Fresno State Branch hosted a unique succulent care workshop, turning their Branch meeting into a memorable succulent party.
On Capitol Hill & Beyond
  • In the arena of government affairs, we’ve been champions of real solutions. ACC President Chris Barnard, with Representative Buddy Carter, penned a compelling op-ed in The Washington Times on conservative clean energy leadership, while our presence at the Supercharge North Carolina event, alongside Senator Thom Tillis, underscored our commitment to action on the ground.
  • Earth Day saw us spreading our message even further, with an op-ed in Idaho igniting conversations with key figures like Congresswoman Mariannette Miller-Meeks, the new Chair of the Conservative Climate Caucus.
  • Our momentum continued with Director of Government Affairs Morgan Brummund‘s expert moderation of a panel discussion, delving into the nuances of nuclear advocacy surrounding the impactful film on nuclear power, Atomic Hope.
  • And on Capitol Hill, we didn’t just talk; we engaged. Our discussions with Members of Congress about Benji Backer’s seminal work, The Conservative Environmentalist, culminated in a celebratory reception marking its release. Working hand in hand with partners at Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions Forum and ClearPath, we elevated our cause to new heights.
On the Airwaves
  • Our media outreach soared this month, with a total of 239 impactful hits across various platforms. From Executive Chairman Benji Backer‘s engaging appearance on The View to our polling data-making waves on AP News, our messages reached far and wide. Not to be outdone, CEO Danielle Butcher Franz‘s eco-right expertise was featured in Forbes‘ thought-provoking piece on the movement.
  • The virtual doors of saw a 29% increase in site visits this month, a testament to our growing digital footprint and the resonance of our message.
  • Social media became our megaphone, with a whopping 16 million impressions.