For a cleaner, more prosperous world, ACC mobilizes conservatives around environmental issues, fostering collaboration in the pursuit of environmental conservation.

Who We Are

Four years ago, a group of young conservatives launched an organization to change the false narrative that those on the Right cannot lead the way on environmental issues. Today, that organization, the American Conservation Coalition (ACC), celebrates its fourth birthday.

ACC’s incredible staff and grassroots activists have accomplished so much in the past year that no single blog post could possibly pay tribute to every achievement, but we will do our best to point out the major highlights. From Capitol Hill to local communities across the country, ACC has won major victories for this cause in the last 365 days and has no plans of slowing down.

ACC began its fourth orbit around the sun with the launch of The Conservation Coalition (TCC), a sister organization that seeks to transform the culture surrounding environmental and conservation issues.

Since its launch, TCC has led numerous campaigns to challenge a status quo that fails to acknowledge the effectiveness of market-based solutions to environmental issues. On the Electric Election Road Trip, for example, ACC/TCC President and Founder Benji Backer traveled across the country to highlight private sector innovators who are making a positive impact on the environment. TCC also partnered with Recipric to create Sidelining Carbon, a campaign that works with professional sports franchises to offset carbon emissions associated with team traveling.

As one final example of TCC’s important work, the organization formed the Market Environmentalism Academy, a platform that educates participants on how to best advocate for market-based solutions to environmental challenges. Those interested in the Academy can take courses for free!

In addition to TCC’s many accomplishments, ACC has grown tremendously in its fourth year of existence. Not long ago, the organization started its branch program and in doing so has empowered activists to bring ACC’s message to their local communities and expand the movement’s reach. Activists have already formed more than 60 branches in states across the country, and it’s easy to start one in your own community.

Republicans in Congress have noticed this organic, on-the-ground activism. As a testament to ACC’s activism efforts over the past four years, House Republicans recently formed the Conservative Climate Caucus and amassed dozens of members.  This kind of caucus would have been unthinkable even a few years ago, but today it comes as no surprise that elected Republicans are joining together to advance climate policy that comports with conservative values.

In the past year, congressional Republicans have led the way on a number of legislative proposals, including the Growing Climate Solutions Act. The bill recently passed in the Senate by a 92-8 margin and would facilitate farmers’ efforts to combat climate change with techniques like natural carbon sequestration. The legislation was promoted by ACC activists who played a large role in the eventual widespread support among Senate Republicans in the final vote tally. Given the tremendous dedication within the ACC grassroots community, we can and should expect to see many more legislative victories in the future!

Although this blog post provides only a snapshot of what ACC has accomplished in the past year, there is indeed so much to celebrate. The ACC staff, volunteers, and activists from across the country should take some time today to appreciate the organization’s many achievements. But after this period of reflection, we will simply get back to work and keep on changing the narrative!